Started testing it and have strange problem.
All questions have same answer.

Of course I gave different answers. Very confusing. Also, when I first tried to submit application it didn't registered any answers (all answers where required). When I removed text that makes them required all answers are the same (the first one).
As suggestion, can you enable that we can use some answer (we choose which, or at least first one) as thread title (i.e. report subject).
This would be very useful for different request my users could have but couldn't be directly linked with user's name etc. For example I allow people to advertise their websites in certain forum. They usually forgot things like link to their website as they think that's not allowed or for whatever reason. If I could ask them for their website name and use that answer as thread title, it would be excellent way to start thread about their website.
Also, same goes for link exchange, they could enter their site name, where is our link there etc and after all this could be good thread about their site, but now I couldn't have their site name as thread title.
EDIT: Problem with questions having same answer is solved that I deleted all questions and entered again default answers. Now it works as it should. Also tested creating new questions, this also works. Don't know exactly why I had this problem. Strange, but on the good side, erasing questions and creating them again solves this problem.