On the privacy subject... Our site rules/T&Cs say... (in part)
Your Responsibilities
[3] All information that you disclose may become public information and caution should be exercised when deciding to share any of your personal information or discussing another person, website or organisation on the site. This includes providing your address, phone number or other personal information to another member. Please exercise caution. You are legally responsible for all content that you load to the site. The Administrator(s) reserve the right to access any or all content that you transmit using the site, or that may be stored within the site and it's databases.
You agree to Ausphotography using any content you post to the site, in so far that you agree to allow Ausphotography to act as a carriage service, and display your post content to other internet users.
Posts/threads that could be deemed libellous or defamatory will be removed. Australia does not have 'Freedom of Speech' laws, so you do not have a 'right' to post whatever you want. The Personal Message (PM) system is called Personal only in that messages are not posted to the public forums.
We also changed Private to Personal to avoid some misunderstandings.
We are up front about the our ability to read PMs, that way no one can complain