Originally Posted by Alfa1
Its important to word your ToS in such way that by using the forum, they agree that FlipRap may use any content submitted to / posted to the forum.
But what I am wondering about is: if a member is banned, then how did the member message you? If this is email, then mind that I would never respond to email of banned members. Banned is banned. And generally banned members have a chip on their shoulder.
The member messaged me through Facebook
Originally Posted by TundraSoul
Any post in any forum could be consider a "creative" work; it's all a matter of perspective. I've also had to deal with some unscrupulous members over the years who have been banned. As a retaliatory measure, often they'll ask to have their posts deleted. It's just their way to stab back at the community that banned them. I tell them all to go pound sand.
I also have one of the most complete ToS pages ever. It stipulates that everything they post, becomes mine, to do as I wish. Even if you don't have a complete ToS page, tell them to get lost. They gave up their rights when they placed the writing on a public domain.
How do I edit the ToS page?
Thanks for the comments y'all.