Originally Posted by fer_75
not showing for me.. I have done all fine but not showing, why?
Please find forumhome template:
PHP Code:
{vb:raw navbar}
Now add below this:
PHP Code:
{vb:raw btstats}
Save and exit and look at that again on your forumhome page.
Originally Posted by Gamelobby
Can this work per forum section.? (different tabs for different forum sections)
would i need a new skin for each section.?
Thanks, great job.!
You're welcome and thanks but you can find or make a lot of gradient_tcat or gradient_thead for design or would change CSS code
Originally Posted by LordVader
Great little mod, 
But it is causing a couple of (Tiny) Errors.
I have the links to different parts of my site colour coded to make it easier for members to visually identify certain areas, For instance.
As you can see in the included attachments I have colour coded some of the links in the forum & when I enable, (Show Forum) It looks a mess, so I have temporarily disabled the Show Forum, But I would LOVE to have it displayed as its very helpful.
Also, It is possible to (Stop) certain usergroups like Banned Members etc from displaying.?
Please could you tell me if this can be fixed. ?
<b><FONT COLOR="#32cd14">Tutorials Or Questions</FONT></b>
Thanks for reading.
Well, then please do not use "forums" or wait me for 4.1.4 latest version (not beta) when it release then I'll update this again.
Originally Posted by eTiKeT?
Hımm Very Nice İnstalled .....
Emeklerine Saglık Kardeşim Bende Paylaşıyorum 
Thank you dear, of course you can ^^
Originally Posted by yilmaz
thanks man
installed +5 stars
You're welcome dear, thanks for +5 stars and support ^^
/ ** PS I just think so I'll update this hack when vBulletin 4.1.4 (non beta) latest version release **/