Originally Posted by TalkVirginia
You have the option to set the mod to send either a single reminder or if you want, you can send multiple reminders. There is also the option to set a maximum limit of reminders. For instance, you only want to send 20 reminders, and they member will not receive anymore after they get the 20th reminder. If the member becomes active, the mod will not reset the reminder count. In addition to this, the inactivity grace period or how long should a member be away from your site to be considered inactive? Some say 30 days, others say 60 days, or maybe 90 days. To completment this setting as I've mentioned in other posts the setting to define how often an member will receive a reminder after they have become inactive.
Does this answer your question?
Ok, you confirmed what I thought you said previously.
Is it possible that you program your mod that if members become active that resets reminder count completely for him?
For example, if I set sending only one mail after 30 days of inactivity, member might get back and after some time again become inactive. But, with mod made this way, second time he becomes inactive he wouldn't receive any reminder emails. This isn't good in my opinion.
I think that every inactivity period should be considered separate from all others inactivity periods and treated as such.
You have it now programmed as only one inactivity period that could be interrupted with periods of activity. And this restricts how we can use this mod very much.
If I want to send 20 reminders, I want to send 20 reminders for every inactivity period my users make, not in total for this user.