There is a vBulletin variable called {vb:raw criteriaDisplay} that can be called into a template just by naming it:
<p>{vb:raw criteriaDisplay}</p>
will show the current value. The current value is the Tag search term that is used to create the tag search results. (I edited out the "Tag:" part in the PHP file that creates it, so your Tag search result list may include that part.)
I need to access that variable within a Javascript on the same page that calls in ads based on its value. So far we haven't been able to pass the variable to Javascript simply by calling it. One of the comments at DevShed said:
"... you probably won't be able to use {vb: raw criteriaDisplay} to determine the number that needs to go there. You need to have this number available before the template is rendered ..."
So, how can I make {vb: raw criteriaDisplay} available to a Javascript on the page, before the template is rendered?