Originally Posted by Calystos
Find attached a modded version of (labeled it I've added a few custom tweaks and also fixed a few typos and glitches.
-=-=- Changelog -=-=-
1) Added option to collapse by default.
2) Fixed "dispaly" typos.
3) Added option to move the sidebar to above the WGO box (makes WGO box 100% width).
4) Changed "$memberlistSIDEBAR" to "$forumhomeSIDEBAR" in the forumhome hook.
5) Fixed css glitch with some forum home styles forumbits disappearing.
6) Added check for {vb:cssfile additional.css} incase style glitch occurs and ESB does not display right.
-=-=- Installation -=-=-
1) Extract the archive somewhere.
2) Upload the contents of the "upload" directory. (1 file, just used to pre-set the sidebar to collapsed if that option is set).
3) Import the xml file as usual.
4) Go to the ESB options to change the new options if wished. (Below WGO is set to yes by default, and collapsed by default is set to no).
5) Enjoy, :-)
Hope it helps yas, :-)
(Haven't had the time to look into the vba issue, but will see what I can do this weekend)
EDIT: Removed attachment, sorry folks didn't know wasn't mean't to upload mods.
Thank you Calystos for driving my attention to the additional.css matter.
I see you added additional.css in the sidebar template. Actully additional.css is added in all vbulletin pages so no need to add it again. The problem is that additional.css has to come at the end so that it will not be overwritten by any other css file.
In the next coming version i will try to sort this matter and get back to you here on how I have change it.