Inactivity Log Bug:
When you go to prune the inactivity log, it can not find the
"pruned_inactivitylog_successfully" phrase. In addition, it is unable to locate the redirect page.
This has been fixed in the attached file. Upload the attached file to your AdminCP folder and overwrite. I'll update the product and update the zip in a later release.
To fix the phrase issue manually do this:
Note: It may be necessary to place your site in debug mode for this.
1: Go to Languages & Phrases....
2: Search in Phrases...
3: In the search form, leave all fields at there default except the following:
Search for Text: pruned_inactivitylog_successfully
Search in... Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name
Click "Find"...
Click Edit in the Phrase Search Results
In the Phrase edit form, change the Phrase Type to "Error Messages".
Leave all other fields as they are.
Click "Save"
If you placed your site in debug mode, take your site out of debug mode now.
You're done.