Originally Posted by MARCO1
Sorry, I still can't understand what's the problem 
They are the same on your forum and in my tests environment, Please explain more.
Also if you can't explain what are you exactly want in English you can PM me in Arabic.

What is these buttons? for what? from where? It is not in the default ckeditor released in 4.1.4 ^_^
These two buttons are not in the original editor which is in vbulletin.com, I don't know what is the function of it. becuase I didn't see it before and it is not in advance reply, just appear in quick reply.
I cant see these two buttons in default editor
Thanks MARCO
Sorry, this just an Arabic description guys

بارك الله فيك عزيزي
المشكلة ان هالزرين مو موجودين أصلا في محرر النصوص الأصلي اللي بموقع الشركة الرسمي ولا أعلم ما وظيفتهم، يظهرون لي في الرد السريع فقط ولما انتقل للرد المتطور يختفون
المشكلة أن هالزرين ليسوا من ضمن أزرار المحرر الأصلي ولا أعلم ماهي وظيفتهم أو سبب تواجدهم
أتمنى فهمت عليي ^_^ بارك الله فيك