Originally Posted by furnival
Thanks Ted! I really appreciate your time on this.
On a different note, I was using 2.0.5 but I just upgraded to 2.0.6. It seems it wasn't updating the counter on the "user" table. I'm going to try building this using SQL queries (because I'm planning on using users' helpful post count to control whether they get admitted to a restricted forum, which is an add on modification somebody is going to develop for me.)
I'll post the SQL queries I used if I get it working.
I hope this post makes sense.
It's very simple to plug a new query into the update process...
Open up helpfulanswers.php and go to line 344
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "helpfulanswer
SET postid = $postinfo[postid], userid = $safeuserid, yesno = '$saferank', dateline = ". TIMENOW ."
You'll see the user query a few lines lower which is a conditional query meaning that it does a few checks for variables before it runs [there does seem to be a bug as the two if statements are the same].
You can modify that query to add to the user table or just copy it and make it alter another table. field = field+1 to increment a counter.