I have tried to wrap my head around this, but just can not seem to grasp it.
I check, i see the errors, i sometimes can find the right template, but then thats about it.
1. If the error is to replace "&" with "&" i can never find a lone "&" sign.
(And yes i check all the way down to the next section, not just that line)
2. If the error is:
Line 966, Column 6: end tag for "ol" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified
You may have neglected to close an element, or perhaps you meant to "self-close" an element, that is, ending it with "/>" instead of ">".
I never can find the end tag that is missing. Even tho the very next error says:
Line 485, Column 2: start tag was here
<ol id="c_cat202" class="childforum">
But when i go to line 485 there is just a </div> tag, not an incomplete ol tag.
And so on & so on, etc, etc...
Gives me a monster headache. lol