Originally Posted by snoopytas
And possibly in vB itself. NO software is perfect.
I've reviewed all the plugins we use, and am happy were now ok. Not having a site tech and only relying on 3rd parties is not a good idea.
I never said scripts are perfect. I said they could've addressed it sooner. And for mods usually the script is NOT updated that fast compared to vB, which is fixed usually within a few hrs.
Originally Posted by cellarius
vb.org does that for him automatically once the addon goes into quarantine. A notification mail goes to everyone who has marked the addon as installed. They often end up in Spam Filters, though, as happened for me this time (just make sure you have your filters set up to let mails from vb.org through)
That may have happened, but I believe they quarantined the mod so late that many websites were already hacked at that point.