Need a 'What's Occuring' Feature...
Does vb already have some mod like this - did a search here but found mostly stuff for VB 4
What I want is a feature that shows on the home page what's happened since a member previously logged in
Members who have joined the site
Members who have uploaded new public pics (if they are friends will also see new private pics)
Members who have added to their profile
Members who have new blog entries
Members who have joined soclail groups
Members who had added new events
That sort of thing
At a later date when my site is busier I would like to restrict this to show just friends, members within a certain distance (my site already can calculate how far away another member is) or members who match your 'likes' or match a pre-saved search.
But for now just to get it working for all new 'occurences'' since the last visit will do
So is there some plug in or feature i can use or 'hijack' for this purpose or do I need to do the whole thing from scratch?
I would probably implement this as a vbA CMPS module
--------------- Added [DATE]1306176862[/DATE] at [TIME]1306176862[/TIME] ---------------
Actually come to think about it - how do I get the date/time the user previously logged in (to then find events after that time)?