Originally Posted by Dave-M
We have a joomla front end and we had the CMS installed as a news section, but the CMS has proved to be a hideous piece of software, everyone, who used it on our site hated it, and we will be dumping it at the next site update. To be perfectly honest, we may dump VB4 too, as there are still lots of bugs and issues being left while they add lots of new and pointless features.
Joomla isn't without problems, but once you get to grips with how it all works, it is a lot easier, and has a more comprehensive feature set, at least in my opinion anyway!
lol compaired to vBulletin is joomla cheese with big holes mostly so called "joomla components" are a major source off security holes though i agree with you that IB should focus on fixing existing bugs instead of pointless new features like skimlinks or vertical response