Originally Posted by BaanFarsang
Problems on VB4 which installed of vB Optimise, all cache flushed too.
Can you elaborate how the problem shows itself?
Do you see no watermark, do the attachment images appear or not?
Does the admincp settings page show any warnings or errors?
Do you see the sample image with watermark on it? It should appear in the admincp plugin's settings at the bottom of the page.
Originally Posted by Stefan118
haven't tried it, but maybe you have to set your cache directory to 777 (writable)
I did that at forehand, and it works on my vB 4.1.3
Right, the cache directory must be writable (CHMOD 777), however the admincp displays a warning if the cache dir is not writable
Originally Posted by BadgerDog
Hi ...
Ok, the output is an SQL error. For security and privacy, I have replaced our site name with xxxx's.
The SQL error doesn't appear when I run the "Preview" or try to view the same attachment with the mod's code, just run I run your special testattachments.php program.
By the way, I have re-installed the mod twice just in case something went wrong with the original install.
Does this help?
Yes, apparently the settings table for the plugin doesn't exist. This is odd, maybe there was a problem with the install process? did you see any warnings displayed while installing the addon?
I'll make it more verbose in regards of errors in the next version.
Please check manually if the table exists in your database. I assume that your mysql user hasn't enough permissions to create a table. So you have to create the table manually.
To do so, go to your mysql administrative system (like phpmyadmin) and run these sqls, but only run them if and ONLY if the table doesn't exist yet:
`varname` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ,
`defaultvalue` MEDIUMTEXT NULL
ALTER TABLE `{TABLE_PREFIX}plwmsettings` ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `varname` )
INSERT INTO `{TABLE_PREFIX}plwmsettings` (
`varname` ,
`value` ,
'plwm_cache_basedir', NULL , NULL
), (
'plwm_cache_lifetime', '604800', '604800'
), (
'plwm_watermark_method', 'text', 'text'
), (
'plwm_watermark_path', 'path/to/watermark.png', 'path/to/watermark.png'
), (
'plwm_watermark_text', 'Don''t steal plz!', 'Don''t steal plz!'
), (
'plwm_watermark_font', '3', '3'
), (
'plwm_watermark_ttf', 'path/to/customfont.ttf', 'path/to/customfont.ttf'
), (
'plwm_watermark_size', '10', '10'
), (
'plwm_watermark_color', '#ABE7F4', '#ABE7F4'
), (
'plwm_watermark_shadecolor', '#000000', '#000000'
), (
'plwm_watermark_alpha', '45', '45'
), (
'plwm_watermark_attid', '0', '0'
), (
'plwm_watermark_posinfo', '3,10,10', '3,10,10'
), (
'plwm_lru_max_entries', '50', '50'
), (
'plwm_watermark_quality', '80', '80'
), (
'plwm_watermark_minpicsize', '200', '200'
(replace {TABLE_PREFIX} with your according vb table prefix)