Excellent mod, I really like it and I think I'll use it for many things, or at least enable possible uses for my users. It could be used for classifieds, for opening new threads in certain forums in certain forum, for users to introduce themselves to community, there is so many possible uses that I really can't think of all of them.
I have two suggestions:
1. (more important) To have more than one set of default questions. If you enable this, please make that every set of default questions has name and description. In settings add option who could create default set.
In this way some applications can be created much faster as they could reuse same question sets, but be for other things, positions, forums or what not. It makes mod easer to use for more than one thing. Not that we couldn't use it right now for zillion things. :up:
2. Approving applications. I think I'll even enable users to make their own applications. In that case I'll like to be able to approve them. If you enable approving, it would be good that we have option where new applications would be submitted for approval and that user who submit application have field for reason why he created application as well as where he wants it to appear after applications are filled up.