Well it works fine, thanks a lot. Two questions though, in the template;
<!-- breadcrumb -->
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr>
<td width="100%"><img src="dmoz.gif" align="middle"> <normalfont><b><a href="php_dmoz.php? s=$session[sessionhash]">$odp[bbtitle]</a> > Open Directory Project</b></normalfont></td></tr></table>
<!-- /breadcrumb -->
I set it up for my Board name like this;
$odp['title'] = "$bbtitle - Open Directory";
That link looks for the file above in red, which does not seem to exist? I changed this in the template to read the correct path to odp/php-odp.php and it links back to the OD main page - I am a bit confused on this issue.
2. Any way that I can stop non-registered members using the Open Directory on my site?