Hmmmm...ok. Well I only have this code in my script that is a module in the overall migration utility from Lefora to vB, so it won't be accessible in the forum, no.
I'm still puzzled because I have been seeing this error:
HTML Code:
<b>Fatal error</b>: Cannot redeclare replace_unicode_escape_sequence() (previously declared in /home/russia/public_html/testvb/AddNewThreadPost.php:250) in <b>/home/russia/public_html/testvb/AddNewThreadPost.php</b> on line <b>250</b><br />
Where line 250 (and 251) is (are):
PHP Code:
function replace_unicode_escape_sequence($match){ return mb_convert_encoding(pack('H*', $match[1]), 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UCS-2BE'); }
$postData[ 'body' ] = preg_replace_callback('/\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})/i', 'replace_unicode_escape_sequence', $postData[ 'body' ] );
I also attempted placing the function in-line with the pre_replace_callback() invocation but that yielded the error message stating that it didn't know what the HTML-ENTITIES encoding was. So I thought I had something wrong with the quotes in that variant and I played around with it for a while. Couldn't get it to work. I must be doing something amiss...
Ack. Back at it today.