Originally Posted by Beretta1526
I would be interested in how to force search engines, robots, spiders, etc. to use this version. I've hacked mine so that a non-member cannot see the "style chooser" on my page, but that shouldn't matter I suppose.
I used the mobile detect hack and added search engine useragent snipperts to teh user defined section (Yahoo!,Baiduspider+,Googlebot,msnbot,Slurp)
Originally Posted by Beretta1526
I would like to add options to the style in the vBulleting Options panel, similar to the "Mobile Style Options" that allow you to append all posts with either the mobile user agent (browser, etc) or custom text like (posted via mobile). In fact, this is the very same options from your original " mobile" style that I'm referring to. Should I attempt to take this on myself, or will you be adapting some of those awesome options to the "Lightweight" style?
I'm going to have to make it a point to donate for all this hard work.
Thanks again!
I'll do something at some stage. You could try the following for appending useragents to posts:
Originally Posted by benFF
You need to add the "dot_hot_new" variants to that as well
Also the logo is never actually used...?
Thanks, and yes - I should probably do a logo rather than text.