Anyone that does have a default styled sidebar and doesnt wish to edit the default css templates you can search for the template called :
sidebarext_temp then search for :
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:raw vbcsspath}forumhome-rollup.css" />
Then Add directly below :
{vb:cssfile additional.css}
It basically then tells the mod to look in the additional.css file for the customised style.
I do have a request or question however, On the forumhome template i have the "Whats going on" 100% width of the screen ( basically moved the sidebar above the "whats going on" box, but your mod moves it back below the whats going on and therefore it doesnt go 100% width, how can i get this to work ? its important for my style to have that 100% width