Originally Posted by Special Pages
Ummm doesn't work over here. LOL
Send Button Works only in (XFBML)
There are two Like button implementations: XFBML and Iframe. The XFBML version is more versatile, but requires use of the JavaScript SDK. The XFBML dynamically re-sizes its height according to whether there are profile pictures to display, gives you the ability (through the Javascript library) to listen for like events so that you know in real time when a user clicks the Like button, and it always gives the user the ability to add an optional comment to the like. If users do add a comment, the story published back to Facebook is given more prominence.
I can see in your Page source that you are using Iframe.
<iframe id="fb_likeframe" src="{vb:raw href}&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=260&action=like&font=tahoma&colorscheme=light&height=27" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Upgrade to vb 4.1.3 or :
vbulletin_facebook.js in clientscript folder and search for :
and change it with