Originally Posted by paulket
First, thank you very much for this outstanding mod!
I was hoping that there is a way to place a box around the postbit legacy information,.. the Post Thanks / Likes in the user information area. Can someone please tell me how it is done?
We do offer an integrated button option in the Pro version. We will also make further layout optimisations in the future
Originally Posted by Roxie
Couple of things, I'm not seeing the importer for Abe's mod.
Also, is there a way to remove the postbit info? Or to have the info listed somewhere else? Trying to cut down on the postbit clutter.
The importer is a Pro-only feature. Sadly the postbit information cannot be hidden at this time, though we will update it in the future with more display options
Originally Posted by TheChief
I've followed this:
1. Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your forums directory.
2. CHMOD the following folders to 0777
3. Import the product-dbtech_thanks.xml file from the "XML" folder at AdminCP ->
Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
4. Configure your Usergroup settings by clicking "Manage Buttons" under
"DBTech - Post Thanks" in your AdminCP navigation menu, then
editing each button and setting your usergroup permissions from there.
however there is no where that i can see in my admin cp that i can amend the permissions (see red). That has left the mod visibile on my forum but i cannot select anything
Please advise
Please either give your account Super Admin permissions via config.php or use your Super Admin account to give your account Can Administer Thanks
Originally Posted by deverill2010
I have this installed and love it.
One thing I have noticed is that I must have it enabled for guests which I don't mind but when a guest click on it, it doesn't show a name.
Surely it should show 'guest'?
It is not intended for guests to be able to click the buttons, the reason why Unregistered usergroup still has that option is because I can't exclude it from the settings array.