I have several other plugins.
I restored from a backup and re-loaded all scripts and removed vsa.php index.html etc.
The new payload concerns me, similar but different. It did include vsa.php (again)
HTML Code:
<title>hack by liut</title>
<script src="party.js"></script>
<body bgcolor="black">
<font color="white">make sur u turn up ur speakers so u can here me talk about the hack n express my opinions. btw i hacked slq injector db decriptin passwrds rite now :)</font>
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/QBquY.jpg" />
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<font color="white">Phillip S Roberts<br />
14 Prince's St N<br/>
Exeter, Devon EX2 9AL, UK<br/>
i dar u 2 com get me u lil pussies i been doin mma for 4 months i can tak u</font>
--------------- Added [DATE]1305183220[/DATE] at [TIME]1305183220[/TIME] ---------------
I just found that I had the fist fixed version not the 2nd. Damn!