Originally Posted by DragonByte Tech
Just a little note that Abe was far from the first person to create a thanks mod (It's very likely he got the idea elsewhere), and our modification does not use any code from Abe's mod - it is created from scratch with many more features than Abe's mod had =).
The idea of it being morally questionable to be paid for ones work seems odd to me, most people do not work for free, including yourself in all likelyhood
You have missed the point. You have included the importer which reads abe1's tables into your paid version with the intention to make more profit. You know that abe1 has canceled support and that many of us are using his hack already.
To get paid for own work is out of question. Compared to your free version it is almost no effort to write a script that reads tables. Almost no effort to have most profit. Profit made because of the fact that we are using abe1's tables already.
If I am wrong than just provide the importer at your free version as well.
Anything else is pointless arguing to me.
If you would provide the importer at the free version as well, your profit will decrease. I know that and you know that and hence it is available at your paid version only