Is it possible to get clipshare to work on IIS7?? I have clipshare 4.5 pro but so hard to get to work.
Any one here who knows what to do?
Its kinda important for me to get a server up working with clipshare or any otter working utube clone because our launch/"premiere" opening is 1 June 2011.
I have a 12000$ server already with lotz of TB HDD space and super fast fiberoptic line so its a waste to not have a youtube clone spesical when utube bugs me about copyrights on important wakeupcall videos who is a must for all to see!
Would bee so cool to have own to get ridd of the 15 min long marker limitation

Any interested to help? I even pay someone but max about 200USD a month for development of someting working "Vbulletin Motion" with a style to that has all the frames same as utube.
And I pay for someone to help me get my server up going too, ISS7 or on linux, as long I get it work I dont care