I have updated this hack. Updates include a fix to the poll vs. news issue which goes a bit beyond what's just been discussed...Now you will be able to BOTH post a poll AND a news item at the same time! If you check both boxes, first you are redirected to the poll setup page, you do that as normal, then after submitting the poll you are redirected to the news item setup page, which again is done as normal. The new redirect scheme does work correctly now if you ONLY selected to post a poll, ONLY selected to post a news item, or selected BOTH. (The correct action or result will happen.)
I've also built in the image feature I mentioned earlier.
This news is FYI only at this time, as I am not releasing the updated hack just yet. I have only just completed testing of the new redirection and poll+news system; I still need to document it. Additionally, I am re-writing all of the variables used so that they more closely resemble the style of vBulletin (the $xxx[yyy] style). It is my hope that once I get all of that done, that we can get this out of beta and make it an official release.