Originally Posted by nitra1000
Updated to reflect this bug, let me know how it handles :up:
Note the change to the Settings page now you must enter the DISABLED text not the enabled text!
Seems to work fine now and is ON by default. :up:
Interesting though, I forgot to change what you said:
"Note the change to the Settings page now you must enter the DISABLED text not the enabled text!"
.... and, it still worked with that field set to
On, although I have gone back and set it now to
Off as you suggested, but I thought I'd let you know about this anomaly in case it was important.
The little drop down bar can get annoying, but it's nice they have the arrows in the top left corner so one can cause it to not drop down, at least for the page you're on. Unfortunately, it starts dripping down again as soon as you refresh any page. It would be better if they stored that condition in a cookie so that it remembered the user's setting of active or not, from session to session.
Thanks again ..