The script only removed those with the [youtube] tag.
The Issue I see at the moment is, that the standard vbulletin video code doesn't display on ipads, right?
> Just disable the mod, add a youtube video in a post via the vbulletin video-button, view the page and see if it appears. If not (as expected), the problem is with the embed code vbulletin uses and my mod also.
Right now I'm trying to fix that by looking for an embed code which modern browsers can display, and mobile browsers displaying some fallback thingy so they can at least see anything.
I own an iPhone 4, so I can check that, but I have to wait a few days until I get my hands on an iPad 2.
We'll see if there is something I can do, worst case will be disable the post replacement for mobile browsers completely, so they will only see a link to the youtube vid.