Originally Posted by nitra1000
Many thanks Doug will make the mod assume on, rather than assume off next version... You can set the default when setting up the field itself (it will always assumes the top of the list).... I have edited the documentation to tell people to do this now (Set Default).
All the Best,
p.s Many thanks for the donation! it is very much appreciated
You're welcome John ... nice work .. thanks again ... :up:
By the way, I do have the default set in the "fieldxx" set-up area ..
Set Default Will set the first non blank option as the default. "checked ON"
... but, for whatever reason, it doesn't use that value except to cosmetically display (in the case of radio buttons) which button is highlighted. It doesn't put anything into a user record until they actually choose which one and save their profile again.
I'd like to bring live your mod in the next few days for everyone, so anything you can do to assume the default is ON in the mod would be great. There's not much sense for us to bring live the mod globally, when I'll have to tell 16,000 members to go to their profile, select a button ON or OFF, then save it, just to see what the mod looks like. Most probably wouldn't bother and I think they'd be missing something pretty neat.