Ok, figured it out .... :up:
For anyone else who experiences the problem of it not working, I traced our issue back to the "field" On or Off .....
Yes, you can add and set up a field as described using Radio Buttons, but the field doesn't have any default value for any existing user, until they go into their profile and click on one of the two values.
So, when these two fields in the mod are completed .. ie:
What is the FieldID (in the name column) of the user profile field you created? field15
What is the enabled text in the user profile field options (please enter it exactly)? On
It doesn't mean anything because the value in the user record is "null" until they place something there.
As soon as I went through a few users from the various UserGroups permitted by the mod in that field and manually checked
On, the "apture" started working just fine, of course, just for the users that go through that process.
I think the mod should somehow assume the field is ON as the starting default for all users, until they get around to going into their profiles and selecting the OFF option if they don't want it.
Nice mod and a good addition to our site nitra1000 ... :up:
Will be sending PayPal ...