I upgraded from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 & that fixed it, but no there was no error msg's.
The site just had no structure, hardly any images, etc.. just links, like forum titles, navbar links, footer links, etc. everything all lined up to the left. (see image)
I really dont see how the mod could have caused it, but its all i did was upgrade. lol
(maybe i did something else that i didn't notice)
Competitions footer says:
Manage Products > Installed Products says:
Is it upgraded or not.?
What options or features can i see to tell if it is or not.
I'm afraid to try update again. lol
I hate to sound like a boob, but i just dont have that option. lol
Can you post up a screen shot of it.. I have gone up & down the list of options & its just not there.
Maybe the 4.4.0 install went wrong & removed it or something.
Is that option new for 4.4.0.? (or should it be there in prior versions too)
The only 2 options i have that have the word column in them:
- Show Elo Rating column
- Ladder Columns
None of the options say anything about "abbreviations"