I had vBxperience for 3.8.. but have upgraded my site to 4.1.3
I didn't uninstall vBEx3.8 prior to installing vBEx4.0 (I just uploaded, & imported like it was fresh)
Upon install/upgrade it gave me this
for a complete kill use ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\upload_via_ftp\admincp\kill_xperience .php
the button said "Go Back" (no option to continue uninstalling vBEx3.8)
but in the directions is says in BOLD LETTERS..
Upgrade from vBExperience 3.8:
1. Install the product here: ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\install_this_to_upgrade_from_xperienc e38.xml". This product contains a fix to uninstall the old product without problems.
2. Uninstall vBExperience 3.8 product. DON'T USE KILL_EXPERIENCE!
3. Read the normal steps "Upgrade Instructions" above
So now i don't know what to do.?
It wont let me uninstall, & im afraid to enable it for 4.0.
Should i uninstall vBEx4.0, then uninstall vBEx3.8, THEN install vBEx4.0 again.!?
Just delete the kill xp.php & proceed to uninstall vBEx3.8
If worse case scenario is i lose all prior xp thats not a big deal.. it had been disabled for months anyway, but if i can keep the old info that would be great.
Any help, thanks.!