fonzerelli, controling entrypoints is easy
just set
$odp['entrypoint'] = "";
$odp['entrypoint'] = "Computers/Internet/";
if you want to open the computers/internet section.
When specifying entrypoints leading slashes should be removed.
MarkB, yes

read the entrypoint description I've provided above, a slightly shorter version is included in the readme too.
JJR512 755 should work depending on how your apache configuration is set, but 777 should also work.
After the feedback it seems 777 is more successful for the bulk of people so I'll alter the instructions acordingly, 755 was selected based on the assumption that the cache directory would be "owned" by the same user as apache/php. I had forgotten that this is not typical on shared/semi dedicated/multisite servers.
In fact 666 would be even better as it doesn't give execution permission.