Originally Posted by sticky
Is it possible to specify only certain usergroups can use the ban from thread feature? For example, I would like to allow my vendors to use this to keep fanboys out of certain threads.
On my forum my vendors have their own sections which they have mods rights over, so this product works for them already. Getting the creation time bans working with a user group list is trivial, but for the menu option I'd have to add a new item under the "Thread Tools" menu as the other two menus currently used won't be available to non-mods. Would this be OK?
Originally Posted by sticky
Additionally, I take it mods and admins are exempt?
They can be added to the ban list but it won't ban them as the moderator permission check overrides the ban list check.
Originally Posted by doopz
Do you have any plans to build in a feature that people get a PM when they are banned from a thread?
Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do.
Originally Posted by GeorgeB85
One suggestion in case someone makes a mistake, it to have an unban option!
People can be unbanned from the option on the Administrative Tools menu. Thinking about it, it wouldn't be difficult to add an unban option to the Moderation Tools menu too, so the owners of any selected posts can be unbanned quickly.
I've also had a request from a moderator on my site to allow bans at forum level too so I'll see if I can get that into the next version whilst I'm at it.