Originally Posted by Noerenberg
It works not on my vb4.1.3
the end of my header looks so
HTML Code:
<div class="a"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var adblock = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="adframe.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if(adblock) {
var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < allElements.length; i++) {
if (allElements[i].className == 'a') {
allElements[i].innerHTML = '<div class=\"blocked\">DIESE SEITE IST WERBEFINANZIERT UND DAHER KOSTENFREI. BITTE UNTERSTÜTZEN SIE [url]WWW.EXAMPLE.COM[/url] MIT DER<strong> DEAKTIVIERUNG IHRES WERBEBLOCKERS AUF WWW.EXAMPLE.COM</strong>. VIELEN DANK! (<img src=\"/images/statusicon/cp_help.gif\" height=\"12\" width=\"12\" alt=\"Help\" title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" /> <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\">WIE? und mehr Info<\/a>). <a href=\"/showthread.php?t=450353\"><div class="x"><img title=\"Tutorial zur Deaktivierung von ADblock auf bestimmten Seiten\" src=\"/images/statusicon/cross.png\" alt=\"Close\"></a><\/div><\/div>';
the box just not appear or whats the error?
do you have added the css to your style and uploaded the adframe.js to your root directory (not forum/ directory) ?
it might be that adblock has made a new anti anti adblock filter. please check your adblock filter list if adframe.js is blocked by it. if yes. that means all ok.