Originally Posted by Staxed
Andy already helped you with your issue, but quick info about the search.
It's not an error on vb.org, that's how the search function is set here. If there are any words less than 3 letters in the search, it won't accept it (because it would return way too many results usually). So if you searched for "How to remove the title in a post" that is why it errored out. You should search instead for "How remove title post"
just some useful information for the future hopefully 
that explains it, thanks. It would help if I actually
read the error message more closely wouldn't it? Sheesh, sorry about that. What can I say - it was late and I had been working on a mod/app/whatever for several hours by then...
Thanks to Andy for the help too. I was hoping for an option that I could toggle via the admincp rather than needing to modify the code, but oh well. Commenting those lines out in the template (didn't know where this was until late, late last night) did the trick: no more title in the first post of a thread.
Thanks again!