Originally Posted by micheal332001
I have told you that its not that i dont want to help you and i dont like it when members do this when they want something changed when the system is working they way its programmed to.
It realy gets my back up when you give a product away for free i will stress free and someone comes along and wants some little part of the code changed for there own needs and then says that the developer will not help.
Have you helped out any of the developers with a donation with any of the free scripts you have on your site.
This is the problem sometimes with giving a free product to people they want everything free but are not willing to help out the programmer at all but will keep asking for something and if they dont get it they put the programmer down,
this then gets the programmers backs up and makes them think why should i give anything away for free when you get members like this.
Yes i am a programmer and i do give some of my scripts away for free but i also run a business and the customers that are paying for my products get prioraty over any free products i release.
maybe vbulletin.org needs to put a store system on here for members to pay something to the programmers before they can get the scripts they want,
instead of getting remarks like this where the programmer does not want to help me.
If vb.org did something like this im sure the programmers would not mind so much in helping members that want something changes no matter how small the change is.
This is me just letting of some steam against members that expect to much sometimes.
I've felt that way many times with my own mods Micheal, so understandable. The way I try to look at it is, while there are some folks that are going to treat you this way - there are usually 5x as many people who are grateful for your work and appreciate it, who may not be able to afford a donation, but will show that appreciation in other ways. Don't stress too much about it