Originally Posted by 210665
I thought the following view for pictures, etc. .. as shown here in the picture

That's something vB does with its backgrounds I believe.
Originally Posted by hawk11220
I just installed your add-on, and I am really impressed with the options that are available. What I am wondering is how I might set up a Shoutbox in any perticular Forum. Currently, it is sitting on the ForumHome, and I would like to place it in different Categories, or Topics.
If you set the Automatic Display to Disabled and follow the instructions in the descriptions you can control the positioning of the shoutbox.
An example "if condition" to place it in a specific forum is <vb:if condition="$foruminfo['forumid'] == 5">
Originally Posted by hawk11220
Secondly, I am going to be using a chat option as a Debate. This is probably outside of the scope of your add-on, but maybe not. I am wondering if I could create a tab in the navbar that I could mandate that a user choose a side, and are directed to a group as they arrive in the chat forum that has two or more shout boxes side by side.
Example would be in the tab is Group A, and Group B, And Group C, etc. They would then be directed to a specific ShoutBox once they clicked the link in the tab of the navbar. I am not usually good at putting my thoughts in words, but I hope that you get the idea.
That is sadly outside the scope