Originally Posted by Killerhands
Hi, I'm currently using this mod on vb 4.1.3 and am trying to get the custom profile field on the bracket to work.
I changed the setting in the vB Options section to allow custom profile fields in tournament brackets. I then input "{vb:raw userinfo.field5}" into the tmnt_bracket template but it doesn't show up on new tournaments or previous tournaments.
Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug I'm not aware of?
It will only affect Single Elimination tournaments and 4 player/team double elimination tournaments.
I've tested it and it works for me...
Whereabouts are you putting it in tmnt_bracket? - I would suggest around the line:
HTML Code:
<a href="<vb:if condition="$team">competitions.php?do=viewteam&id={vb:raw userinfo.userid}<vb:else />{vb:link member, {vb:raw userinfo}}</vb:if>">{vb:raw userinfo.username}</a>