I can't get the permissions to work correctly for user groups. trying to restrict a category to vips only but nothing i do works. it seems to be treating all the cats as one. have 3 set up with children cats and using show only 1,2 in the settings will still show cat 3.
Exclude Categories: When set to "Yes", only the categories listed below can be viewed by this group. When set to "No", all categories can be viewed except the ones listed below.
To permit this usergroup to view all categories, leave this entry BLANK. Otherwise, enter the categories to include or exclude (depending on the setting above) separated by commas. For example: 1,2,4,6
I set to yes and put 3 in the box to exclude it and it shows no cats. turn it off and it shows all. tried all sorts of ways changed cat 3 to 9 because of the children cats 1,2,3,4 ect. main cats set 1,2,9 and still not working for me it is either all or nothing for the regular members.
Attachment 128629
shows none
Attachment 128630
shows all
Attachment 128631