Originally Posted by Ranger187
Read the install file again. You are not FOLLOWING the instructions on how to import. You are probably trying to create a new language file or over write it.... RE-READ the install info.
step 2. Select the forum language to overwrite.
call me crazy but I'm pretty sure it wants me to overwrite something due to it saying to overwrite something
EDIT: well what do ya know, I think I -didn't- overwrite it last time, I made sure I did this time and now it's in english and not french or whatever it was in
so yeah you're dumb
edit again: this mod's dumb, the bottom option in the notifications management tab is still in french:
Activation des notifications de nouvelles inscriptions
Activer l'envoi automatique d'un message dans la chatbox lorsqu'un utilisateur s'inscrit sur le forum (apr?s validation si le forum n?c?ssite une v?rification des emails)
looks like it's an option to have someone emailed if their name is mentioned I guess?
ok the rest went flawlessly
I don't get the point of this bot, I had my hopes up thinking it was a learner bot but I have to type everything it says? that's dumb as hell, it's cool I appreciate the option I'm just really disappointed because everyone at my forum woulda flipped if we finally had a learner bot