Hello entertain,
Great work on the new version, we've just installed it on our board, but we've found a small glitch with the Report e-mails that are sent out. It seems that the plugin doesn't recognize the forum url, because the e-mails look like this:
The rating in question is:
{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/itrader_detail.php?ir=151789&u=202624
This is the reason that the user gave:
Some reason here
One thing to note is that we're using vB SEO 3.6, so it's possible that it could be the problem, but at the same time, when we had vBulletin 3.8 we were running iTrader 2.5 with vB SEO 3.6 and the e-mail links were displayed fine.
Is there a way we can fix this, maybe hardcode the string in the template and circumvent the variable altogether?