Originally Posted by gemmk1
I need to centre the banner code ive tried adding the <centre></centre> but cant do it.It is a banner roatator code it sits to the left of my forum.I tried the banner rotator mods but could not get them working.This works it just does not sit to the centre
Here is the code thank you
Thank you in advance
I've highlighted in red lines to change:
// Courtesy of SimplytheBest.net - http://simplythebest.net/scripts/
function create() {
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ads[1].mouseover = "Click here to enter the gd forum"
ads[1].sponsor = "best general chat forum around"
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ads[2].href = "http://s2fpromotion.co.uk"
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ads[2].sponsor = "best free promotion website around"
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ads[3].href = "http://simplythebest.net"
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ads[3].mouseover = "Do we need to say more?"
ads[3].sponsor = "Simply the Best"
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ads[4].href = "http://strangers2friends.co.uk"
ads[4].border = "0"
ads[4].mouseover = "friendship and support forum"
ads[4].sponsor = "strangers 2 friends"
var n = Math.random() + ''
n = parseInt(n.charAt(5))
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n = n - 5
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n = n + 5
n += ""
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var ad = "<div style=\"text-align:center;\">"
ad += '<a href="' + image.href + '" \n'
ad += 'onMouseOver="self.status=\'' + image.mouseover + '\'\;return true" \n'
ad += 'onMouseOut="self.status=\'\'"> \n'
ad += '<img src="' + image.src + '" width=' + image.width
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ad += '\n><br>Please visit our sponsor: ' + image.sponsor + '</a></div>'
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