I altered the xml import a little bit and added this line of code
union SELECT count(userid) as count FROM vb_user WHERE usergroupid in (6,7) and userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'"
to all the
$hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]');
so after adding the code you get :
$hide_replied = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(postid) AS count FROM ". TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND visible = 1 AND threadid='$post[threadid]' union SELECT count(userid) as count FROM vb_user WHERE usergroupid in (6,7) and userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]');
It is a bit of hardcoding because of the (6,7) but can easily be extended with parameters i guess, so basically I added one more count to the sql select which checks if the current user is in group 6 or 7 (mods or admins) and if so, it raises the count, which causes the hidden text being visible regardless the current user replied or not.
this little adjustment fixes the "scalar value" error