Pass I have been looking for that info myself.
Lynne pointed me in the direction of DHTML menus but I still haven't found anything that works well.
The above code is all part of the vBull CSS to get an additional sub menu another class would need to be added to the Additional CSS template, but I still haven't worked out how to do that as I'm still learning and theirs also the Javascript element to think of there might be some additional java code to be added to get it working.
The code I've used has been taken from the Navbar template and there is no existing code that I can find that has sub menus in the drop down menus, if that makes sense.
The look I was trying to achieve with the menus was something like this.
And I have asked the question, in these 2 articles.
[HOW TO - vB4] How add sub-menu drop down to the navbar (tab Forum)
[HOW TO - vB4] How to Add Drop Down Navigation Items to the Navbar
But nobody has replied.
If anybody knows how to achieve this I have no problem with anybody helping out.