Uploading Beta 3, I get the SQL Error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_3`;
MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'image_big_3'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Wednesday, April 20th 2011 @ 02:10:08 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, April 20th 2011 @ 02:10:09 AM
Script : http://hostedtalk.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://hostedtalk.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : Cory
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log
I've read back a few posts:
Originally Posted by guest9
Ok this is how I solved the issue
0. Dropped the tables/database which was created on my first attempt of the importing the xml file (starts with the market_)
1. Downloaded the latest version & uploaded the files except the xml
2. Downloaded version 3.1.0 beta 2.zip and imported this version of xml
3. Now I have imported the latest version xml file by setting the overwrite to "Yes".
Originally Posted by TheMayhem
Or you could just edit the product file and take:
ALTER TABLE market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_3`;
And make it
ALTER TABLE market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_2`;
Save and done  I can't confirm if it'll work but I'm 99% sure it will 
Tried these with and without reading (first try), but to no avail - This did not work.
Edited to use Code Tags:
Originally Posted by tandalier
so i checked the xml and here's the solution - maybe you can change it in the download.
you must change one part in the product-pointmarket.xml
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_2`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_3` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_3`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_4` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_4`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_5` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_3` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_2`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_3` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_4` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_3`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_4` column";
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "market_store ADD `image_big_5` INT( 12 ) NOT NULL AFTER `image_big_4`");
print "<b>3.1.0:</b> Updating Market Store Table... Adding `image_big_5` column";
Download is altered product file (Same edits as above)
Originally Posted by Staxed
for anyone that doesn't want to edit the file themselves, here's an updated product
This is what is happening each time; They do 'Import', but their is no 'admin settings' and market.php shows 'database error'.
When doing the alterations from what I've tried and what people asked, I get the same error from Alpha, Beta 1, Beta 2 and Altered Beta 3's. (Originally gives me the big_image error)
I get 'undisclosed_tag' - Which I assume means some where in the XML Code there must be an undisclosed tag causing it not install.
I'm hoping a beta4 (or final) will be released soon.
or at least a temporary fix.