Ok.. im going to give this a shot.
My site is
http://www.bootcamp4me.com by the way if you need it for reference.
So i will need to find my header info on my wordpress, copy it and paste it in the place where my vb4 header is.
If you can help me locate my header code for the site and vb I would greatly appreciate it.
Im not used ot working with php files.
Thanks in advance
--------------- Added [DATE]1303246918[/DATE] at [TIME]1303246918[/TIME] ---------------
I found the header html code using firebug... but that cant be it right?
I need some css to make the links inline and what about my blue bg?
I found my header.php file... is that what I should stick somewhere in my vbulletin file?
Does it matter that my VB is in a different directory than my wordpress?