For anyone on the fence from the free version to the pro version I just wanted to take a minute and let you all know that Dylan's level of support redefines the word exceptional.
I had some big issues when moving servers. It wasn't related to the software itself, but a corruption that unfortunately hit the block of mysql data the garage was in. Dylan busted his ass helping me out countless nights figuring out record by record what happened and how to correct it and we now have a fixed and saved Garage. Sure, mine wasn't a 5,000 car garage, it has a couple hundred vehicles in it maybe. But you wouldn't know it from the support I received. I was treated like I'm the be all end all of car sites and that kind of support we all know as forum admins and owners is few and far between.
So thanks Dylan, I know you have no clue I'm posting this but you deserve the standing O for all the hard work, dedication, and quality support you give this product. I'll PM you a link now to put a smile on the end of a work day.