Originally posted by j_gorgori
Hi, is there any way that I could make my forums for two languajes, I have installed tow templates, one called "English" and the other "Espa?ol", one with all in english and the other in spanish . But when I create a category, the Category Strip Text is just one, only in english or spanish (what I write). Is there a way that I could make to this to change?, if it could be done with the templates better.
I was thinking in this, first I write a .php file that loads vbulletin custom user settings (if not ones, default's), and there trought $vars, I set the Strips texts, and forums names (ETC). Then I just goes to the .php file where vbulletin's puts the text in the code html and changes it to the ones that I write for that template.
This last is just and idea, if someone could helpme please.
PD: Really sorry for my english.
Actually, it's not that hard...
a couple of hacks and two template sets will do it.
I have been doing it on my site...
look at
and then select forums.
If you want this, I can help!