OK, I need to figure out what to fill in here to make the button code display the correct URL of the thread, title of the thread, and tags from Vbulletin when click upon. Does anyone know what code would needed to be inserted for href="http://SAMPLE-LINK.com", rel="tag 1, tag 2",
"Example Title", and "Article Content", so that it works with VB 4.0?
<script src="http://onlivefans.com/home/modules/buttons/buttons.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<a class="PliggButton PliggLarge" href="http://SAMPLE-LINK.com" title="Example Title" rev="Category 1, Fallback Category 2" rel="Tag1, Tag2, Tag3"><span style="display:none">Article Content Here!</span></a>